Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Fashion Tips for Guy

2day, i wanna share about a secret tip to self grooming and fashion for guys. Well, i cant share fashion tips for gal coz honestly, gal has much better fashion sense than guy. Guy, even by the simplest fashion standard of a gal, is basically a fashion offender committing endless fashion crime with their (ok guys, lets face the fact) atrocious fashion capability.

So, wads my secret tip to self grooming and fashion for guys?? The answer is simple. Fashion magazine. GQ, Esquire, Mens Weekly. Go ahead, take ur pick. Whichever makes u happy will do. Now, look through every pages inside n take notice of d hairstyle or d way the model in there comb their hair. Now, U, as an ordinary GUY, should definitely STAY AWAY from those styles. Why? Coz those person are born with natural and nice looking hair (PLUS, they have professional hairstylist) while YOU (including d late Albert Einstein) DOESNT! Coz any hairstyle they have will never ever in a hundred year look nice on u. Count urself lucky if it doesnt make u look like Mr. Dork! Instead, use the ultimate hair solution invented by brilliant men few thousand years back....a hat! (more on dis later)

Now, onto fashion... Ok, u can throw away those magazine now coz believe me, those cloth feature inside never look nice on YOU... Reason is;
False : Those cloth mutate into sumthing horrendous once u bring them home
Fact  : Those ppl have the perfect body to fit into those cloth n look nice in it while u look would probably look like a snake which has swallowed a cow.
So, wad should u do? Easy. Consult a women. Be it ur girlfriend, ur sister, ur close friends. But do try to stay within the same age generation (im not saying aunties have bad fashion sense, but those senses arent any more fresher then canned toufu) Let them pick UR wardrobe, INCLUDING THE HAT n just try to get socks with matching colour and a clean underwear and YOU should be perfectly fine to go.

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