Tuesday, December 15, 2009

First Picture Post!! WooHooo xD

After what i would say as a tiresome month, finally i can enjoy a good night sleep that is worry free and stress free. So the first thing i did was sleep till the sun was setting. LOL. 12+ hours of good solid sleep (YUM YUM!). And now, i am going to catch up with all the funs i have miss and re-update the geek within me (i have seriously lost touch with the geeky/otaku world for a while)

Hmm.... Kinda forgotten what i have got to say..LOL!!! Whenever its holiday, i can feel my brain degenerating/rotting, not just literally too! =P
But anyway, like i promised, i am gonna post some interesting picture which i took a few weeks back to share with you guys.


Heed my word guys....you have been warned...

What you see on top...is the two method which doctors use to extract genes from a guy... The first picture is where they insert the long "device" into a man's penis opening (OUCHHHHH!!!) to directly extract the..erm... "tadpoles" (WAKAKAKA). The latter picture is where they stick a finger into the man's anus to stimulate the prostate in order to conjure an ejaculation. It is a more "friendly" and "less-scary" method to get a man's gene (Not that it would make the guy feel any better =.=")
So guys, if you are considering donating your genes for whatever purpose to a medical facilities... do reconsider ><

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