Friday, July 18, 2008

Electricity ~tiny little cute particles dat power up all our stuff~

Yesterday has to be one the list of wat i would call a bad day! No electricity in my hse, THREE FREAKING TIMES IN A DAY!!!! The first 2 was still bearable (NOT!) since it only lasted around 1 hour to 1 half hour. The 3rd, n last (IT BETTER BE!) started at 9.30 n went on all the way till 3am! Talk about suffocating urself in a dark n damp room. At any rate, it isnt any sort of experience i wanna go through ever again!

However, there is gud news.... Dat is, my exam is FINALLY OVER!!!! BANZAI! weeeeeeee. N so"bye bye" to the studious days (AS IF >.<) for a few weeks, before "hello" to college life again (=.=") Oh well, time to enjoy enjoy enjoy~~~~~ WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

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